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  • (Quote) I just wrote a reply about this very subject, under the thread titled "Clan systems update?" I wrote that reply before reading the latest posts in this thread. You can see what I had to say about it. I tend to be as thunderstruck by this as you, if not more so. Not sure I see the positive in a new clan owning an awfully vital system like Nephele.
  • (Quote) Tassie, I sure hope you're right. Because this would seem to throw things way off-kilter. But there is a thread under Server News titled "Hello, here is new Clan" where VIS claims ownership of Nephele. I too would like some official word from Op or server clan leaders or whatever other powers-that-be there be. EDIT: Like you, Tassie, I also saw that VIS post the other day and thought nothing of it until [HC] Pale rider added Nephele to the list of closed systems in that other thread I s…
  • Yeah, I was just on multiplay and saw the VIS clan listed as full-fledged owners of Nephele. I must be honest, this is a shocker. Really has me disillusioned about investing myself here any further. Just when I finally found a FL mod I really liked, and I start getting settled into the atmosphere of the universe, this happens. It's a kick in the crotch, a rude awakening. I actually feel really down about this. That this was allowed to happen, pretty much ruins things for me. Enough is enough. H…