Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • Good luck m8, I hope you find what you're looking for somewhere out there
  • CF is very unique in its lack of territorial struggle and requirements for hard cash for owning anything. It comes as a shock to some people, but it's how things work here. Those who stick around long enough get used to it and don't mind so much.
  • Did I ever mention that the first week or so is always hardest? There's sort of an adjustment phase where you're overwhelmed with rules and maps and all sorts of information that you can't process at once. I promise you that if you give it a bit of time it'll all make sense, but you're the one who knows what's best for you, so do what you think is right m8
  • Perhaps people along these routes owning systems should begin to toll people rather than block them. If there's a player your clan is friendly with, let them pass, if there's a player your clan doesn't want lingering, then take a toll (aka tax) from them instead of blocking them. That way people can still get around, but the clan profits from it's enemy's movements.