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  • Hello

    I couldnt resist reading this thread: and cannot resist asking... UAC ... Researchers? How? sounds like a cool idea, but someone from the UAC, please explain what you guys do. Or is it more of a 'hang out' clan, or maybe a clan to be influencial in globular decision-making? Maybe they are secretly 'researching' Nomadic biology and physics. Maybe they aspire to be Nomadic? Maybe I got it ALL wrong, and they are aspiring to become one with DK (Donkey Kong...wait... er.. hrmph...Dom Kavash)! no, r…
  • Hello

    Ruvio -- Cool, and unusual about batsandbots -- eww! use em if someone is unlawfully slaughtering you, the only dishonour there is on their part. If it is role-play (the opinion of me, who doesnt play), use em for the added challenge. In PvP, 'eww', just plain 'no way'. The only way it is honourable is if all involved parties are in agreement upon the usage of them. If there is that agreement in place, it could prove rather interesting and an unusual challenge. -ajek