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  • "Mr. T" Facts.

    Of course that everyone knows Chuck Norris, but i understand that some of you don't know Mr. T. Well.... Mr.T pities you! Ok, now with the realistic facts about Mr. T! *When Mr. T goes to the mall to buy more mesh shirts and fingerless gloves, he merely stands at the entrance sending out his pity... the clothes come to him after they've paid for themselves. *The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are not War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death. They are actually Mr. T, Mr. T, Mr. T, and Laurence Tureau…
  • "Mr. T" Facts.

    He does that because he wants to be banned. Period.
  • "Mr. T" Facts.

    Have u taken ecstasy pills?
  • "Mr. T" Facts.

    Hmm.. i have more yes, i have over 9000 lines of Mr.T, Chuck and Vin Diesel. But it seems that noone posts here much soo... i need a little more encouragement to select the best ones
  • "Mr. T" Facts.

    Hmm.. ok! i'll post some more! after i wake up. I didn't slept this night, had to finish an college work for today.... i think i'll eat my pyllow now