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  • Ultimate

    CFPD does not tractor in loot when they do kill a train. KRT has been accused repeatedly of tractoring in loot after killing trains. The idea of any clan killing trains then tractoring in the loot and calling it police rp is silly. That rp should be called mugging. For my m8s not familiar with USA slang. Mugging is to violently take money from someone and run away.
  • Ultimate

    If there is a time period extended for ultimatum. Then KRT must back off of UAC during that time to show good faith. Maybe find some other police work during period of negotiations. Hopefully a settlement can be reached between UAC and KRT. If not then drastic action may be coming.
  • Ultimate

    @ Ruivo. I and one of my other m8s has your back. Most of IOC doesnt know about ultimatum yet. We are acting outside of IOC until we speak with CA. We will fight to help UAC defend itself from a threat to its foundation as a clan. KRT please reach a deal with Ruivo otherwise my m8 and I join the fight against KRT. If CA approves then will be all IOC. Carbine 60 I would be honored to be on your wing as we are good m8s.
  • Ultimate

    Thank You Darkstalker. Making war is easy. Making peace is where true skill is displayed. Thank You KRT and UAC for coming to a diplomatic solution. It takes much courage to give up anger and start with a new beginning. If IOC can be helpful in anyway to KRT, UAC, and PiA please call on us. I look forward to KRT police clan, good luck m8s. With many pirates coming to CF, we will need your help.