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  • Well, it looks like I might have hit a brick wall with this game. I went through Sol, entered into Altair, and from there into Coalition space. I noticed they were unfriendly towards me. Now, from reading the posts, it would seem that there is *no way* to get on the Coalition's good side, because I did not get the bribe on Earth before entering their space. Reading through some other posts, the "cure-all" seems to be starting a new character. Start a new character?! You gotta be kidding me! Jus…
  • Well, I took your advice, even though my rep with the Coalition was well into the red. I took a couple missions to make some dough and pick up some escape pods for quick cash. I quickly earned the 3+ million I knew I needed to bribe the Coalition (I was tapped out from recently buying Adv. Champion H.F. Shield, shield upgrade, power supply, etc.). I headed over to Sol (the Neptune and Hyperion warp gates were invisible this time, and not functional; but I just let it cruise and left the pilot's…