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  • Ok, better to remove all bats bots from the game, cause only if I engage I will stop use them, ho better remove them to from npc's, lol
  • hi jameson, well, I used bats bots 2 time I think, one of them cause i was a newbie and I was carrying osme unmouted expensive equipment (today I would not do it), and the other because some guy decidid to start shootme without any warning (well yesterday I got lucky and I closed chat window in time, remenber it), on thing I think is good is goos is to shoot 1 or 2 times for warning, and then start the fight.
  • jameson, we were not after you, we were after Privy in retaliation for taxing Cyb. I only shoot you when you atacked me, in the end I was about to leave the server and you shoot me without warning. Cyb engage you in retaliation o something that hapened before, I don't know what. And yes, be a pirate means more to be hunted then to hunt or tax.
  • [3] come on, I know you want it, make my wish come true [3]
  • 1º -IOC didn't hunted Jameson (was hunting Privy at the moment) 2º-IOC will don't atack any trains. It's not a decision yet but I will work for it. (and I think that never happened) 3º-IOC never worked with KRT. (if it did was an lonely act) 4º-IOC isa freelancer clan (wich make us mercs and traders) and have the right of hunt in retaliation of acts comited against menbers or allies. 5º-We don't help anybody if help isn't requested.As you sad we have not police role play. (we did not help CFPD …