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  • (Quote) My thoughts exactly; In the hands of a good pilot it's more or less invincible. Imao destroyers/cruisers are better in PvP if well handled, but the Kossac is hands-down the best VHF.
  • Lol, well said! Hmmm...the ultimate fighter that isn't bugged at the moment... Well, you almost said it already Astatic; any VHF in this game with a good pilot is more or less unstoppable. The key to finding the best ship for you in a mod as balanced as this one is to find something that appeals to your eye and PvP tastes. There's more than 50 options if I'm not mistaken, so get out there and start browsing! :]
  • The VHFs tend to be rather balanced. Some are nicely-rounded off, and the ones with exceptional abilities in one or two areas will be lacking in others. I would have to say that the Kossac is the only VHF that clearly has an edge over the rest of the pack, but as it's banned atm the best VHF for a person is simply the one he or she decides to fly