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  • The one, the only.....the Eagle It's not the fighter you fly it the flyer that flies.....the pilot make the things happen....the fighter only gets you there and offers a platform to do something with......if your a piss poor pilot.....makes no difference which fighter you have........same just about for the other way round.....some fighters do help give you and edge though....
  • P.S. Try the's an all around good fighter in the right hands.......but so is the the right hands.... P.S.S. The Eagle comes in two colors...normal and red/black combo same features on both.
  • Then you have the very best fighter....if you handle it well.
  • WWWHHHOOOOAAA son! Your talking about my pride and joy....the Shroud. Go easy there young feller. The shroud is still the most flown fighter around inspite of all the new models. If you don't see them it's probably because you blinked as they flew by. Can happen to anyone. And, to me and many others, it's about the prettiest ship out there. So go easy, ok? And the Outcast and Corsairs are good firends of mine....treat them nice...ok
  • (Quote) Not no more it isn't's been canned and the Lagg may be next.