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  • hmmm.. this would be cool if such a wepon would be posible just image u fly frue a hostil teritory and thear the enemy ..u engage shoot his new wepon but in the wrong direction and hits a neer rock(100m from u ) ..and you got suck in the dimension warp ... but now the story cane have 2 posible endings coz no1 nows exactly what happened to the nomads after mision-13 1.u got killed 2. u get sucked in and and jump out in the Dk Home World (well basicaly u will die )
  • Whay from Texas ??? maby from X-3043 were the jh is hiden in the asteroid filde
  • just ceep dreaming ..maby ther will be a time were theat will be posible but as op told it is inposible and would coz big lag
  • (Quote) ahh and i got a question abut this how did u thogt u would jump to were ever u want i meen you would need to nowe the precise coordinats not to jump in a sun or a planet and i dont think theat its posible to remember all the coordinats of all sytems so how was u thinkig to do it i meen off corse its inposible but if ..if it would be possible how would u think to do it
  • well but its not so easey coz ok u see sector 4D ;3D and so on... but plz tell me thean how would u now in what system you would land as far as i now every system have such sectors as i allready sad it u would need to now all the coordinats and theat is not in game but the game structure itself and whay do i talk about this well i am interested in freaks mind ... theat is what did he thought sice he got the idea i would like just to now how dose he imagen it would it work ...
  • hei i have seen this wepon in Babylon 5 ..were they fighted the shadows back anyway good idea Red but i think it would have to take same time to lode the wepon and the shild should be down for a longer time thean usual