Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • yup, for example {UAC}PilotName(UMC), so still tagged as UAC members
  • I actually like the idea of having seperate divisions or wings, companies often break down into smaller component divisions, each responsible for a different are of 'business'
  • If you want to join, or just check out our forum, click the blue "here" in my sig We are currently looking for someone to head our armed division, our research division. And we would appreciate it loads if leaders from other clans would let us know their intentions towards the UAC (in the spirit of role play). see you all in space
  • We are still recruiting new members, and would like to formalise our presence as a clan. We require all new members to read both the server rules (found on this forum and our own) and our own clan rules (on our own forum). I'd like to welcome all of our new members to the UAC, and wish them a profitable future.