Search Results

Search results 1-3 of 3.

  • Because most of the % are made exactly when posted. Noone really makes mathematic calculations. Considering that i may forgot (very unlikely), my girl could call me at her house(very important :P), or i may get stuck at work(also unlikely), against the odds that i'll be able to attend.. there's an 77,77777........% chance that i'll be there. Saturday 29 right!?
  • I beg your pardon for my dumb, off-topic question, but linux does not work on NTFS? Why don't you have an separeted windows XP install on your machine to use FL.... and some other soft that i'm shure that aren't working that well on linux too..
  • yeah... but once you format it for this system you can't work with linux? sry.. i don't know nothing about linux BTW, what happened at the meeting? I forgot the time zone issues and lost it...