Search Results

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  • sorry i do not understand the pessimistc way you choose to fix the bugs. you say "impossible" and "very much time" and "more erros", everyone wants to help you but you do not even recognize those offers.everone wants to help and i think everyone can help.don't say "oh it will be hard", attend those offers and you'll get it fixed,I'm positive, Tr2e
  • it's typical to write 10-20 posts about "how difficult the problem is" and making nothing, sorry dude, that's not a pilot's motivation. i know difficult codes, very difficult codes in different languages. the code won't change unless you change it.words and works differs in one letter: d and k . but the attitude between those words differs in many ways of thinkings.this is not real criticism, it's only a hint for all who want to play CF. and if the code seems to be tricky, let's conquer it.noth…
  • (Quote) lol, sorry i thought you were that smart to recognize that people who want to code, need the code (means server+client). ok from now on i will write my thinkings in a detailed way:the question you ask is like "what does brian drink?". if i don't know the context in this c++ code I unfortunatley cannot evaluate this single line.first while regarding this line it would lead me to take a look at the database to search the entry IBehaviorManager. It shouldn't be there because the compiler d…
  • nice, i agree with you OP not to give any of yours code to other people.nice of you, that you'd killed those bugs in such a short time! i leave you alone with your probs, but you should know that I'm still there to help. i got a lot of time now (abitur - *hier-bin-ich* - bundeswehr). bye and keep on doing your shit! it's tight! [404] PS: und falls du mich mal kontaktieren willst, icq ist im profil. ebenso wie ich 2x KOS bin, bin ich auch von 2 clans angeworben worden. mein engagement kompensier…
  • (Quote) phat!