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  • OP here is a thought for future updates or changes to villians like the DK. How about, since they seem to be organic or living ships, that when they die/get destroyed that they emit a blood curtling sound of some kind to sort of chill other pilots bones? My thought came from the fact that when I've gone up against the Coalition in the past that the gat attack and such was pretty much unerving. But nice. Some thing of a simular nature could be used for the death of a DK. Effects might be interes…
  • @OP...artistic licenses like anything else allows a person to add what ever they want....even if it doesn't make sense. Sci Fi is more art, like your mod, than fact. Work, Bils, Debt, personal problems are all part of reality. We're not really playing FL/CF for the reality sake but the emersion and the chance to get away somewhere we can't in REAL life. So My idea was just an idea...but not a bad one if I do say so...... And for any who miss my point i was refering to the idea of death sound li…