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  • Server status

    One goal of testing, it seems to me, is to test not only the code underlying the entities in the game, but also the interactions with various players' platforms as a compatibility check. I was only able to spend 10 hours in Beta, due to the initialization problems already mentioned, and I had to download the file 3 times, due to corrption caused by timeouts on the lengthy file. By the time I got a Beta mod running, it was already version 4, and other testers had a 2-day head start on me. Despit…
  • Server status

    I'm off to Barnes & Noble to get a German dictionary, unless somebody can put that in English for me
  • Server status

    @ Inferno: thanks for the translation, mate! Now, I know this is contrary to the nature of your Character, but... chill out! OP will do what he needs to when he is ready; it is counter-productive to harrass him any further, so please apply some deferred gratification here and wait for the best, instead of demanding the good... [2]