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  • I know i have prob spelt that wrong. Ok heres the situ.Playing last night with my clan man in sovetskya ( or Gurm , not sure due to my excessive alcohol intake) i was suddenly thrown to desktop. Re loaded and again thrown to desk top ,, reloaded several times with the same effect. Interestingly my other 2 chars work fine. Char 2 is in Regalis and Char 3 is in Nephele. Both these chars are able to go about as normal. Any ideas why this is happening or can the almighty OP move my char? All help ,…
  • UPDATE!!! I tried to log on again but now i find myself in an un-named station in Vorktura. Every time i launch for space it crashes to main menu.. I can go to the bar , trader and weapons pages but not leave the station. Any ideas ??????