Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • Okay, you wanted screenies right? Hehehe, you took the right guy along for the ride. Here's an overview. [SIZE=1]So there we are, heading out to whack a mothership... [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As you may or may not know, I do not respond well to pressure. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]They really do. [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]The hunt went on for quite some felt like playing the vanilla storyline for the first time. :] [/SIZE] [SIZE=1]And then they sort of just popped out of nowhere. :D[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]As one would exp…
  • (Quote) That's going to be a little hard with the pending 1.61 char-wipe.
  • Because of thier distinct flavor and texture, a consensus has been reached by elements of the DC that the Dom'Kavash will be refered to as "chickens". Out of sheer boredness I've decided to give slang references to all of thier ships. So if you hear me yelling bloody murder about a pair of "spoons", a flock of "turkeys", or just simply one big mother "gobbler", then keep a look-see. Hehehe, the term "DK" is too simplistic and unimaginative; this is the last time I will use it.
  • (Quote) I have two kinds of posts. The first is the kind you just described, and the second isn't. And it depends. If your intentions are to hunt down fighers and gunboats then it's a chicken hunt, if it's capitol ships you're after it's a turkey shoot. If you're feeling particularly lucky you might be "going to Thanksgiving dinner". Coin a phrase and run with it.
  • I will as soon as I can, but I have only one char (18 mil. + APC) and some RL stuff has come up. I won't have another chance to go serverside until Saturday. Help me out when I get back, lol; I'm going to be the only one without a fully-built char.