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  • Not been banned yet as far as i know but every time i go into the game i am crashed out to server menu within a couple of minutes. I followed the steps to the letter and like my clan man , i too am using zonealarm free version. All help much appreciated in this matter.
  • playing , the single player game , loving it.. just tell me when u guys have ironed out the probs
  • Ok Gunny , can we get to a point where we stop pointing fingers, bringing up historical conversations. and get a fix for the problem that is obviously facing some members. There is absolutely no point in saying that player x now has no problem. I still have a problem as does others i am sure. Some of the threads i have read are written in such a way that senior members involved in this mod believe that the players installing this mod are of low inteligence. Believe me , when i tell you that i t…