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  • as 1.56 did not die with the comming of 1.57... so shall 1.57 not die with the comming of 1.6. it will always be remembered as we embark on our journey into 1.6 as we enter altair and remember where it all began, and where 1.6 found its starting part. As 1.57 was the predacessor to 1.6, 1.6 itself too will be a predacessor to something greater. in order to be a great thing one must never forget his past, and we too wont forget the great things of 1.56 and 1.57 that made 1.6 what it is. 1.56 and …
  • it wont ever die, it will live on as a memory. and im sure it will live on stored on someones hdd, maybe not installed but sitting there waiting to be called on when needed (i.e. me b/c i have a storage harddrive that has downloads dating back to 1998, im somewhat of a pack rat when it comes to downloads).