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  • Hey all. Before an year i got a copy of Windows XP x64 for AMD installed and i tried to leave the MCE 2005 and move all to the new one. However this couldnt happend there were not enough 64-bit software - when you're running 64-bit OS you usually want to use a native 64-bit software. Dont get me wrong - WoW64 is doing great job with 32bit software. So here it goes again, a year later i decided to revive the old installation and see what i can do for it and what it can do for me. I spend whole n…
  • Some screens from it while installing and running. Thought might be interesting: The role of the rabbit here is verry important. Look at it carefully cause without it, this OS would never install and run right And history repeat itself ... Where is the fun without music?! Now almost done! Finally!