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  • Hi SWAT_OP_R8R. Sir if you use amazon they have a price tracker called camel camel camel. it will track the price. It save me money on my rip jaw 32 gb was 349.99 watched it for 6 mths and got it on sale at Newegg for 129.99 for 32 gb. so I loaded up and got 64 gb.
  • Hope to make rig run better, Dell mother boards suck. But it did help with m.2 and the Asus 8 gb v-card run great. It made a great improvement over all. The v- card is 4k and VR ready. I also run a lot of other thing off it. The big reason is I got it at a great cost. The cost is starting to come down computer parts. Look for the one day sales.