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  • battle front 1 came out on the X box and ps2
  • I bought battle front 2 a few weeks ago but due to my DVD drive not working i haven't been able to play it until now and to be honest its a disappointment the maps are poorly laid out and make vehicles impractical to use and the more interesting units like dark troopers and droidekas are restricted where as on the first battle front u could use them freely i can understand the jedi chars being restricted yes because everyone running around as jedi would ruin the game even more. The space battle…
  • the Jedi needs to be limited because it would unbalance the game but not being able to use droidekas or jet pack troops when u want ruins it and the maps are bad with limited tactical options they are mostly narrow corridors that just have to use troops as cannon fodder to get down them and the maps on the first BF where much larger and about half of them are more vehicle orientated but maybe the space battles are not so bad as i bet anyone who played the first game remembers trying the aerial u…
  • i dont mean the point restrictions a mean the restriction to how many of say a restricted unit each team can feild at one time for example u can only have 4 droidekas which isnt to bad on MP but on the SP campaign it sux cuz the npcs take all the special chars and use them poorly (camping in stupid places etc) and u dont get much chance to use them also the damn engineer is bad to it has a shotgun type weapon and u can hand out health packs to yourself so u can get very close unfairly