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  • The thread will show how good your connection to CF is. 1. Download flping here. 2. Save it to your desktop 3. extrakt the zip to your desktop (2 files are in the zip). 4. go to "START -> RUN " - a box will oben 5. enter "cmd " and hit ENTER 6. type "cd desktop " and hit ENTER 7. type "flping -n 30 " and hit ENTER now the prog will run and ping the CF server. wait till its finished. 8. Copy the last lines (right klick - mark - select the text - right klick ) or type it in here. mi…
  • yes, you can also use the dos command "ping" but "flping" is exact the same thing which fl uses for the ping. you also see the server extrax (how much player, servername, etc.)
  • (Quote) hey, you forgot "and downloading some p0rn"
  • damn, nitro beated my connection (6mibt) and my ping but i only pay 20 euros for it