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  • hi all.. i just finished play sp mode of this mod and wonder how to get to alaska... then i remember there was mission with tittle ROUTE TO ZONE 21... there is safe path through the mine field started around NEW YORK F-5... I use this path safely reach the gate and when i dock it... it says ACCESS DENIED...wth?? so its not posible entering Alaska through this gate?? or do i need anything particular to enter it?
  • Well thanx a lot Admin...i found the the gate to Custodian near Junker Base@NY... so thats where all starts.... BTW this mod is beautiful... thanks to the SWAT team that give us such a lot new things and experience while keep maintain original aspect of the game....I've tried almost mayor mod... they are good... but nothing compared to this one. Just suggestion for future release.... instead of many system with only 2 base (regalis,casius etc), why not just 6-8 system with full content like ori…