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  • No offense meant juan, but I laughed my self off my seat when I read your post.......Sort of reminds me of my first excursion through there....I jumped in and expecting trouble.....Hit the cruze control full on without thinking......plowed right into a dozen mines before I could say "Oh NO!" and blew up...... [13]
  • Your missing the big picture here guys.....smack in the middle of ALL those mines is a.......Moonshine still......and the mines are there two protect it.....from the Revenour Clan.....ask Juan....he
  • Good to hear from you Titan. Long time. But I'll tell you if the pods were not worth anything, i.e. selling for a $1 at the first base, then I'd never collect them. Unless your point was to make it slightly more nefferious transporting them, more challenging. Then yes, I see your point.