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  • Well, I never cease to look for a good joystick game and since I got too much involved into online games (anything that is close or actually a space sim) I found long time ago this webpage but didnt really get into it until now: There are different types of games (depends on your taste but all of them are space sim/joystick oriented) there. Graphics are not too good though and still some bugs when you dock in a planet (yes, you actually entry the planet and…
  • I wonder if you tried the new demo version of evochron 1.788 Anyway, Ill keep looking thanks again, RGHawk...out ================================================================================================= Update from Evochron Playground OP, I tested the new version of Evochron and the only thing that is not good is the graphics. I think the developer concentrated a lot on the games space dinamic and interactions rather than moddelling. A lot of bugs were fixed since my last tried. Also, f…