Search Results

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  • Just wanted all the clans to know, that if they are interested in setting up some scenarios, (role playing games) in crossfire, we are available :)...Any ideas? suggestions? feel free to post or email us at
  • Here are some ideas:A PiA member suggested to [Fallen]-Lord_Cain the following:PiA create specific trade routes. They do not change and are used constantly by their freighters. Their freighters are guarded by fighters. Fallen as a pirate clan would try to intercept those trade routes. The conflict extends only to that point and not any further. We created the Hades ship as a symbol and to be used in corssfire in story driven gamming. As we are nomadic we will move from system to system. In some…
  • Any clan that is interested in setting up an rpg you can also contact me on msn. My msn email is