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Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • @ Inferno i suggest you find out the facts before commenting and shooting off ur mouth thought u were better than that but obviously not, now to be honest i never bought this to forum and i have never complained about anyone so u got that wrong Inferno as for our status in BG BG_Flyin-Si is wing leader and myself Vice wingleader suggest u read u some more m8, any way i will explain my part of the above screenies so here goes,i came on the server for the 1st time since friday on monday mornign GM…
  • Yes Burro he has stole 3 i thought it was 2 just found out it was 3.:)
  • Ahh so the total goes up some more hmmm
  • Ahhh Thanx Schatten have never seen my load out on a screenie before nice i like it
  • To be honest i have heared a rumour that dual mnes cause lag but i have had these dual mines since 1.7 mod came out and i have never heared anyone say that i lag or cause any lag and since i haven never been asked to remove them i assume this is not the case maybe there was other problems at the time and nothing to do with dual mines.