Search Results

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  • vide? sorry I only speak 2 and a half languages: bad english, russian, and some german and so what are you asking? to go KOS for a week? great! everyone murders raven on sight for a week, though when I kill you, raven, it's because you have been killing other people in New York, I enforce the server rules.
  • yea, but in case ya do, when I come kill you it'll be because you killed in a no-pk zone, you can stop wohohoing because otherwise I think getting into fights while in the middle of a trade or something is annoying, you fire at me first and you will be on my KOS list for so long, you'll never want to play FL again, because every time you're about to undock or launch, every time you jump to another system, every trade lane you use, every sensor refracting cloud you see, you will always suspect r…
  • oh yea thanks dark, didn't mean to say that, like I said, my english is bad, anyway, i edited it to say that i will kill him if he kills people in NY, it doesn't say I will kill him in NY but I will ask permission to kill him in NY if Op or SP is on however dark, I'm not stupid, do not lecture me, that is one thing that i hate
  • oh, thanks dark, sorry for snapping at ya