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  • Hello m8s, I dont know if this is the place to post this but I need some advice. A friend of mine who move to live in the USA own some money to me becuase Ive been helping him here with some money problems with his family. He needs to tranfer monthly payments to me. WHen he transfer the money from USA to Venezuela I get my local currency which are Bolivares instead of Dollars. Due to my country currency exchange policy, it is really difficult to get dollars up to ceratin amount. So I want to ke…
  • I use to have paypal when I played JUmpGate long time ago. Either way, to do the real job of getting and tranfer the money, they always ask you for your credit card to check or verify the account. Otherwise, your options are limited. As for the password I never let window to use the reminder option. I just dont trust windows behavior neither firefox in these cases. I rather rely on my own mind However, my question was oriented to anyone experience on security reason not to get paypal cause what…