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  • Thanks very much OP for this update I hope to enjoy this one too as much or even more than last one. SO everybody, lets start to get into it [406] [417] [413] [550] With best regards, RG. PS: For CF database, why dont you designate a project leader and that person should take care to assembly a team to develop the CF database. I think Blade could be a project leader. He offered his service because his has experience on it and I could be part of the team by I need someone to assignment small tas…
  • I´m at work now but I m downloading it anyway as we write. I will be at home at 8pm which is 12am (26/11/05) GMT So if by the time more help is needed to check the MP version of CF 1.53 I will be more than glad to help. SIncerely, RG