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  • Joining

    HelloI've recently installed crossfire an I am new to the server.Can I join your clan and if yes , are there any prerequisites? Thx in advance. P.S I don't care about you giving me ships,weapons or anything. I just want to be part of sth bigger. The rest I 'll manage on my own.
  • R_39

    Ok Six ,thx for the info.
  • R_39

    Of course ,I'm a dragonlance fan !!!Couldn't have it any other way. Ok, I'll try to talk to some people ingame, but not all are willing you know.It's just that I don't want to give the wrong impression by joining in order to acquire an uber-ship.I thought that it would be prudent to familirize myself first with crossfire and then be part of sth bigger than I. Thx all of u for the feedback.