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  • Hi Unfortunately due to arthritis, I am having trouble controlling the game. Even with the mouse sensitivity at its lowest unless I am using the slowest of ships I am too erratic. Which I'm afraid makes it very difficult to play especially in combat. I don't want to make it easier pe se just make it more controllable for someone who is not quite as dexterous as they used to be. Is there anyway to achieve this, I am only talking about SP mode. Thanks
  • Hi thanks for getting back, I can play around with the windows settings but it does not help. I probably did not explain myself clearly. I can manage Freelancer (for the moment) but not Crossfire. I don´t mind regenirating shields etc. and I don´t mind getting shot up but what I can´t do is control my ship´s movements. So every encounter ends up lasting forever, I can´t shot them and my erratic hand means they can´t shoot me. I would love to follow the new story so what I need is a way to slow …
  • Hi all Thanks for the tips, I thought it unlikely that I would be able to mess with the speed but you have to ask, especially as I don´t have too much of a problem with the original game. My fault for getting old I guess. I´ll give the missiles a try and if someone has a save game that can get me past the pesky quick enemies and into the new story bit, I would appreciate it, as I do look forward to seeing the new story and exploring. Thanks again
  • Thank you very much for that.