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    for all those who were in the meeting last night we are starting up the ASF CSF alliances again. i think we need to stray from the way it was the last time it was up and running. we all know that BG=ASF for now dont know how long that will be, but right now the CSF has DC and PIA members in it. something we need to discuss is that when do we start the events for it, how are we going to get it started, are we going to attack clan systems or are we going to have a predetermined system for the att…

    well i like these ideas a nd i think this is something op is looking for. the community coming to gether. now i think the idea of splitting up the systmes is a good one. now since these alliances are clan based they only affect those in a clan and not the FL now if the freelancers decide to become clans then all the better. but they have to be active and have a clan system to participate in the events. now if we split ti up are we going for all the systems in the game or just the systems access…

    well op i like the first suggestion made by you. it sounds really good and intresting.

    well we are getting alot of ideas for the alliances but we still need to determine the type of fighting we will be using, what system layout , how are we going to do these things. i started this threads to get ideas which we are getting but i still havent seen solutions to them, i think all clan leaders need to have another meeting on IRC this means all leadership if you have more than 1 in command of a clan like i do in case something happens and i cant take charge for sometime i fall back on …
  • to all whom it concerns but due to recent talks with op i hate to say but i am stepping down as the CSF leader. if there is someone who can do it then please do so. i have made this server and comunity my home for over a year now. and i have broken a trust i established with op as a freind by having some of my clan members on another server. i have failed this community as a member and as a collegue. i do not at this moment know if i will being playing CF anymore. im sure my clan will but right…

    LOOK TO EVERYONE THAT CARES if you read my damn post right it says i made a f%*$#ing mistake, but to hell with it. and to be honest op all i was going to do was send by best pvp fighters to SL-R coz frankly im not to excited on getting my ass kicked all over space by some of the best fighters ive ever seen. this was my descion and my descion only and if no one likes well all i can say [1] get over it. exuse my language and anger but i am tired of the crap that i read on this forum it is getting…

    ok ppl listen up this is the last time i say this, I AM NOT LEAVEING CF im just taking a few days away from the server. i look at things in many perprestives coz that is what is required from me by being in the military. things that i live by are words known as flexibility, timing, honor, loyality,duty,respect selfless-service, integrity and personal courage. if you want me to explain these then i will loyalty: i have been on in this communtiy for over a year. i have fought for it left and righ…

    @ all clans witha clan system if you are apart of the CSF alliance please regesterat i want to have an allaince meeting on the forum so we can get ideas and start planning on the upcoming battles with the ASF
  • well lets see darkstalker ive asked all ppl in the CSF to regester so that we can have a meeting to set things up like plans attack routes who does what but i havent seen a whole lot of ppl on the CSF forum the last person to post anything was slayer and that was about a week or two ago. @all CSF members when you guys are ready to do anything for the alliance please let me know so that we can set up meetings to discuss things that need to be talkied about