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  • Congratulations DC Dragoness you killed a Dromedary without guns shooting on the back and when the dromeadry was docking. You have all my respect, you are a hero of this server. jajajajjaja, tell me what can be your next big action, kill one star in new york?
  • difference

    My dear Bladenet, I dont know If you read my post, I am not complaining, I just Inform MR Dragoness, and others players. COYOTE attacked another DC, of course, he has a Figther, not a dromedary, He has guns, and his enemy, has a fighter not a dromedary, and his enemy has guns. Ladies and gentlemen this is freelancer, and ESPAÑA clan plays freelancer, Show must go on sangreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  • ja

    do you know if I am a female or a male? I dont mind about that, do you? closed and forgiven