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Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • @ op i have a question how can you be so negative on what we are doing here ? i mean we have, and are trying to help get the server back up and running again. we have gotten the events going again all i see is that you are being negative and im sure there are a few ppl that will agree with me on this.
  • the event was a blast hawk i loved it. i however think that if we have more ppl per team we can set up an offensive and defensive side for each team that works out in a good way example is this team 1 has roid miner and 8 fighters 4 fighters go and attack and 4 stay behind to defend, when then 1 set runs out of fire power to do most amount of damage they switch, they 4 defenders become the attackers and the attackers become the defenders. same set up with team 2 it might work so that both teams…
  • @ op you suck just kidding everytime i come up with a good idea you shoot it down that idea is like a football idea and no im not talking about soccer either
  • yes i agree im harded too i get a good idea in my head and do not think about what can happen if i use it and sorry again for shooting at you