Search Results

Search results 1-20 of 23.

  • Was the tree on the road ?
  • was it a part of a bet ?
  • he binded his wife to the tree and used his car to kill her ( and himself) no?
  • has the tree a special meening for him? (memories or so )
  • Has the man a physical handicap ( blind, cancer,...)?
  • He is in a desert and the only way the make a crash ( he is suicidal ) is by hitting the only tree there is.
  • is the last will of the driver important ?is the last will of his wife of some importance?was his suicide related with money ?was the dead of his wife the reason for his suicide ?did some thrird party going well with his dead ?
  • We know he was suicidal but did he pick up this tree for a special reason?where some friends involved in this case ?Has the tree and his wife a kind of connection?For his suicide could he chosed a wall or a ravine instead of a tree ?Is this incident getting in the press because its stupid? ....... or because its out of proportion ? ....... or because its so dramatic ? ...... or so weird ? I hate riddels that are as complicate [9] but i don't give up easily. In this riddle we dont even know what…
  • We don't know the age of this man so... was he older than 80 ?was he older than 70 ?was he older than 60 ?was he older than 50 ?was he older than 40 ?was he 40?was he jonger than 40 ?was he jonger than 30 ?was he jonger than 20 ?was he older than 90 ? You have only to answer to the one that fit the best Yeap, I see it : An old jealous man of 94 that kills himself after killing his 92 old wife !!
  • Did the suicide take place long after the dead of his wife ? or did it take place short after her dead ? Is this fictionnal ? is it based on realy facts that happens recently ? Was his suicide a sort of revenge against his wife ? Was he trying to make a point with his suicide ? Did he left a note behind ?
  • Was the tree on the road ? (Quote) It's amazing what you find on the roads these days ? lol [IM G][/IMG] Shure it was a BMW OP and not an AUDI ?
  • Was the profession of the man in relation with the facts ? Was he hunted/chased by some1 ( police, bountyhunter...) ? Was he well known by the police ( in good or in bad ) ? Don't remember, but was his dead directly related with the dead of his wife ? or was it related with something else ? Did the man left a note ? Did the man left debts ? Did the man left money ? Was the man affraid of something ? ..... or from somebody ? OP, you are driving me crazy with this "stupid" riddle ! [12] PS: can y…
  • Was the cheater his twin brother? Was the cheater a relative ? Was the cheater a good friend ? was the cheater some1 close to him ? was the cheater some1 of his work ? The man is a political figure ? Is the man a spiritual figure ? Is the man a singer ? My brains are hurting me, is that normal ?
  • He is famous but is he famous only to is town/state ? is he famous for us too ? Is he famous because of his job ? Is he famous for his actions ? Was he a judge ? Was he a advocate ? Was he a notorious criminal ? Was he a ex BG and he could not bare to be second best after OP ?
  • Was he a bartender ? Was he a hair dresser ? did he have a drugstore ? Did he have a shop ? Was he a farmer ? Was he a wealthy man ? Was he a poor man ? Was he average , not specialy rich or poor ? Was he a pimp ? ( must be funny: Jealous pimp kills his cheating wife lol ) Are we making progress ? ( i feel tired ! ) [IMG]…fdb2934e7c868b8e4bd35.gif[/IM G]
  • Was his wife trying to get the attention of his man this way ( by cheating ! ) ? Was the wife sad to be alone at home ? Had the man more interest in other women than in his own wife ? Was the cheating caused by the job of our man ? Was he a door to door seller ? Dunno if we already asked for but .... was he a doctor ? was he a dentist ? did he have a high position in the community: director, chief, mayor... ? did he work for a syndicate ? was he in the medical sector ? was he a fireman ( héhé )…
  • Thanks to Mech52 I missed my answer: was he a fireman ? We need to know what his job was, cause it's related with the story !!! Was he a veterinary ? was he a clown ? was he a teacher ? was he a town/cityworker ( sweeper, cleaner, trashman... ) Was he a poet ? was he an employee at the city/town? was he an employee at the bank ? was he an employee at the gaz company ? was he an employee for an electrical company ? was he an employee of a gouvernamental office ( FBI, CAI, NIS, NASA, FICK... ) ?
  • When ppl are piss of, specialy when they cant find a riddle, they use bad words, but i'm to polite to use them directly. So you have FICK,FACK, FOCK, F.... I was wondering if some1 will notice it, you did OP ! oh and was he a stripper ? or maybe gay ?
  • Dunno if it will help us but... was he a taoist ? was he a boudist ? was he a hindou(ist) ? was he a atheist ? was he a druid ? was he a follower of Conficius ? was he in a sekte ? was he from the Klux-klux-klan ? has his religion some mathers in this riddle ? was he the town idiot/foul ? was he famous thanks to his job? or has he a famous job? was he astronaut/cosmonaut ? was he a nobody ?
  • I'm still following, Hank but my brains needed a brake for a while we have to find some unusual job for this guy ! was he a undertaker's man ? was he an exorcist ? ouwch ! it hurts again... must stop... pain....... head ........... exploding .... no... no ..... stooop ........ PS ...was he ..... aaah ..... a ....... jail ........oooooh .... keeper ...? .... to much !!!