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  • I am sure i have seen a 666 tag recently but with my dodgy memory (its like a sive) i cant remeber when. op is there any way you can look at the recent player lists and check if they have scouted CF out. Everyone understands how serious the implications of this might be if we are attacked by a an outside entity(s)and even though it is just a rumour at this time we should begin to make preperations such as a system to ensure a constistant well trained and prepard defence force is on line at all …
  • so they have been here lets get ready to give them warm welcome [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11] [11]
  • N1 gunny im makin certain plans myself but this is not the time or place to discuss them [9] [720]
  • here is a few interesting factoids vassago and his clan have recently played on these servers EU/clanwars and kakartoe the [WP] has a prescence on the void server (any one wishing to know player names PM me) a clan known as xXx or something similer has recently left the above named server now once again my dodgy memory strikes i have a fague recollection of seeing such a clan tag but cant be certain some of <666> clan members departed from the server in not a not so pleasant a fashion (it seems…
  • This is easy to settle just ask sleepy to post here and tell us how he feels about it