Search Results

Search results 1-4 of 4.

  • My 2 cents worth... I've not played online for a week, and am a relative newbie. Never joined a clan. As much as I look forward to pvp play, I just don't have time for all the bs that (I assume) goes with being in a clan. So, I'm on the outskirts. But I would like for the rest of you who frequent the server so much to behave like adults so that people like me, who work 50 hours a week and just come in for occasional recreation, can do so. Maybe you feel that fringe users like me don't have the …
  • Did I miss something? Why is everyone leaving? Is the server going to be shut down?
  • SP

    I haven't finished completely exploring it yet, but I'd be glad to help with SP info. But I work 11 hour days and would only be available after about 8pm e.s.t. most weekdays.What do you need?
  • See this is why, as much as I'd like to get involved with pvp, I don't seek out clans. I don't have time for this kind of dysfunctional, juvenile, horsesh!t.