Search Results

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  • Hey everybody, we still have some hours and it is not over yet. Wavey, your asumption I think is right and I pointed out in the last meeting at custodian gate. However, when I started to talk about that I was told that there was no point to talk about it. As I can see for some posts, that was the main point. Chaos, I guess the ball is in your court now. Whether it is fair or not, it is not up to us. But sometimes we do make sacrifices if we do really love something. @CF community, dont give up …
  • HEHEHEHE [35] [413] [404] [406] [417] I told you guys it wasnt over...the server will stay...lets celebrate Sincerely, RG
  • CSF/ASF seems such a good event that peope from other servers where already here asking about it. RP is a major problem in any freelancer server and from what I read and heard, the CSF/ASF was good. Another Clan could take the CSF side. I heard Pia were willing to take that role. I have some ideas for Clan RP but I dont know if this is a good place to post them since the RP we are talking is for the whole server (community) I can help in XML eventhough I have to undust some books I got from my …
  • I know a lot of things about you guys...and one thing I learned it is never to trust you in anyway. Why is that? not only from what I saw and read but cause my personal experience. The art of confusion and deception wont work anymore. Just playing politics and never being straight to people give a lot to say about your personality. Inventing lies and saying you have proof without having any give you a bad name to you and the ones who follows you. Old conspirations just show hunger of power anyw…
  • who is using my name?? hehehe...yes, it is a hawk without the RG, although the R39 could get your mind [11] See you around m8 RG PS: just to avoid any confusion with any other Hawk around, I just have 3 char in the game: [Freedom]_RGHawk , [Freedom]_RGTrade , and RGHawk....FOr the forum just RGHawk2000