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  • i have to ask what has bought about this change?
  • FAKES!!!

    jib i dont know what ur problem is and to be frank you have my pity because you must live in ur own nasty little paranoid world. You claim we are fakes then in the same sentence say we are not prepared to fight a war ok so if we where BG sponsored "fakes" we wud have there support and training etc you cant help contradicting yourself can you? we are not fakes and i resent you saying that we are we are working hard to establish ourselves and we will defend the server just like the freelancers wh…
  • ok hunter the ultimate warrior why then where there 4 of you hmm sumone cant count and if you where kickin our arses that badly why did none of you cum back after the server reboot? he he just go back to whatever server you came from oh and buy the way jib can lose this war all by himself without you tripping him up even more Jib what where you sayin about fake clans these guys are supposdly fully established somewhere
  • what has slayer done to deserve being attacked and mocked the way he is? since he has begun posting on this forum certain ppl have been taking the p**s out of him why? slayer is my clan leader and i respect and follow him because he is the one most sincere and genuine people i know. so guys leave him alone i myself and im sure other people would see red at some of the comments directed at him. We are a new clan and we do not have many members so far but we do have spirit and determination and s…