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  • Listen guys, why dont we solve this matter once and for all. Lets try to understand what really is going on here. Jib give a fair proporsal to end this matter: Battle Chaos vs DC (general ideas) work the details and each side look for a compromise rules of engagement for that battle and the final prize. For my point of view should be this way (again, this is only my point of view, at the end you are the bosses) Battle Chaos vs DC1.- Choose system to fight: the cube in arena would be nice2.- Cho…
  • Listen guys

    We are working in a solution here to avoid a war that would destroy any server. It happen in the past and it could happen again and OP knows about this kind of problems from what I read in the forum. Wavey, you accused me in space that I dont read about the whole issue, that I should read more into the forum, watch the screany, etc, when you were standing there with other BGs watching us fighting each other like monkeys. Excuse me, I read the forums, maybe my first 2 or 3 post were out of place…
  • I dont hold anything personal to your clan either you. Moreover, some people in your clan has shown courtesy and respect than a fellow player deserve even though I was the enemy. About CONTEXT, it is important because eventhough this is a game, the people behind the computer are humans. And Humans has the need to communicate. To communicate your ideas and your feelings about any topic you need to have the whole picture in front of you to be as much accurate as you could be. If somebody tell me …