Search Results

Search results 1-6 of 6.

  • OP, in order to make the amount of happy players in crossfire high, i advice you to REDUCE the costs of al most anthing! if you are checking the overall of a ship such as the shroud, maybe 1.5 M MAX 2 M will do. that kind or reduce. if you will not or if you will, i DO like to get a response and an explenation of why, and what are you going to do about it. "mankind thnaks you once again for your time, and effort" (oh, don't forget the listening! ).
  • yes... but for god sake this prices are anyhing BUT reasonble prices!
  • yeah and i'm the qeen of england damint even the XTS protues BS is less then 2 M!
  • i know that the more the game hard the better, but i'm talking about a fair price that in been depended about the overall of the ship
  • Well the trade is... Nice... never saw better ones actually so i can't complain. anyway i found a reason for the highly "Expensive"("Not anymore" remember? from the Liberty escape?) is cause After all, Most of them are from Starlancer, we have very historic ships so to get them we need to pay how much Starlancer ships worth, and they worth ALOT! and i have one of them
  • So here is the idea! Here if you want to have ALL godiess, let's say hours, days. You know, i've noticed that almost evryplayer on Crossfire, when he is ready, doing he's a journy to Altier and get's back.It's like a last test: Are you ready to go there, go as far as you can go and survive and making it? i did and survived, killing over 20 ships on each 30 minuts there.So, 47 and Chardemine, would you succed, to make pass the Altier trip?