Search Results

Search results 1-5 of 5.

  • na, grinder had special job to do in the summer months. but now enough time to organise the next tournaments. edit: oh, just checked the battle and events section - the CF tournament thread isnt there anymore
  • i can give u rules. what u want? gunfight, which show u how good a player can aim and flight at the same time?or with every equip? and no, bats and bots on CF shows no skill. the hull and shields are too strong for this. 1 fight will last more than 30 mins with bats and bots.
  • Ok, here rules:===========1.) Place: Arena. The 2 fighters start at 2k distance.2.) The referee makes sure that both fighers are rdy. Both fighters type rdy when they are ready.3.) The referee counts from 5 to 0 (=go) and the fighters start to fight.4.) All weapons are allowed, no bats, no bots.5.) The 2 fighters fight 3 rounds and till there are a difference of 2 wins. (3wins vs 1 win = we have a winner, 3:2 - they have to fight till 4:2 or something else)6.) Each fighter faces 2 opponents in …
  • there are not so much player on CF, and i have time. lets fight everyone vs everyone. winner gets 1 point. if 2 have same points the fight again. to your question: *raises hand*
  • i fight myself? lol, ok, everytime