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  • New Clan

    I warn you, keep your pirating bussines away from Honshu, Sigma 19, New Berlin & Stuttgart, and perhaps we will spare your life!!. Welcome m8s, nice system you got.
  • New Clan

    No one of these authomated translations makes much sense. Lets translate back some and look for the real meaning ... The portughese: "OP please date the fuck for top, leaves-us in peace and speaks English! !!! I am able to speak shipments of languages then ha, puts that in his pipe and smokes!" The dutch: "OP please it closes screws leave on, us alone and speak English! !!! I can speak cargos of scores so that ah, that in your pipe set and can the smoking! " And the italian: "OP closed for favo…
  • New Clan

    (Quote) Uh, well, sorry, no, is not bad to be a pirate, it is a life of risk, violence, and addredaline, not all people can be a pirate .You must understand that the people you are going to rob wont be happy, and the people who plays the cops are going to go against you. But this is the game, and that its fun. But that roles dont impede we have nice and friendly chats. About other options, you can be a renegade millitary, so you are mercenaries that not doubt to rob etc if necessary and against…