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  • Is there a short version of how to get out of Hiruga and back to Choguku? Every jumphole I hit just recycles me back into the same system and another location. I eventually made it over to the Dragon base on the far side of the system and actually got back to the start location (after considerable inner system jumps). Though I am sure this seemed like a good idea at the time, and though I do enjoy good puzzles, the apparent meaninglessness and time consumption is terribly inconvenient. Otherwis…
  • Thanks Baldwin! I must say one HAS to use process of elimination. I won't give the solution here as it is DEFINITELY too complicated for here, and I think I am suffering a brain aneurysm from working this out....LOL.....but finally made it back out. For the rest of you reading this, do not go to Hiruga unless you have a LOT of free time, patience, and a big piece of paper...write EVERYTHING down. Finally, as for that little dead end surprise you sneaky devils put in there, everyone: SAVE SAVE S…