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Search results 1-9 of 9.

  • Hi folks,(not even 2 weeks away and sooo much changes ) Just want to ask a few things for better understanding and usage ingame BEFORE I get off ground. So you can't use <deposit> command anymore, before THIS ONE CHAR owns 65 mills, right ?And the "bank account" we speak about means the money stored for ALL the chars on ONE account, right ? Can any char of this one account use <withdraw> command to get money from the "bank account" ?(i.e. : one account with lets say 4 chars on it, 20 - 30 mills…
  • I understand the reasons you've set up this deposit limit, even though I don't follow your rationale behind it completly. For PvP and role-play all you need is a .."role" aka license and being above lv 40.Why care for the money aka "lv" above that ?Money don`t tell you, if a plyer is "good" at pvp, only his frags maybe.And lv as well as frags can be easely looked up. But having to wait until one char has 65 mill before he can deposit and - ONLY - then transfer it to another char, i.e. to build …
  • ... see this thread about cash deposit , there you can add your suggestions after reading the whole
  • The Original... there is not enough space here to list all of your chars Question :what about bounty ?If I set a bounty on another player of lets say 5.555.555, having (mostly) all of my money, lets say 55 mill or so on that char (not in the account, there left only 2 -4 mill or so).When that player is hunted down by a merc and there isn't enough money in the account - but enough on the char, will it be withdrawn from the char ?(never used /set bounty yet, just ask since considering to start wi…
  • @Aldenmar Odinthat's my question : will the money be removed from the char or from the "bank account" of the player account the char is on ? @denneas you see, I'm on thze way to remedy this
  • why do you think I am rich ??just because I am ... quite some time around ?It's expensive trying so many ships
  • when was that ... rich enough to buy some "certain" ship at that monent perhaps, or when I was still able to "support" newbies ... If I get money at my hands I usually use it up almost immediatly for some purpose, ... like ship-testing, equipment testing...