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  • I just buaght a liberty Dreadnought and when i try to moor at polanet manhaten or anywhere withh a mooring point it stops and the speed shows -1. i sat there for an hour watching transports moor in like three seconds. and as im typing this my BS is sitting in front of the moor point with liberty fightsers ramming into it once and a while. also the osirus dosent have any turret poinds! Please help
  • [wall] [wall2] [megawall] eh...Not my point and isnt crossfire FREELANCER????? I play OpenSP and can someon tell me how to moor ??? Also the Osirus Dosent Have Any Hardpoints.
  • All the Bs's Take 3000years to moor ( well back to my old deimios with Wyrm type 2's and Firestalkers and Screamermines And torpedos and.....(<-goes on forever ) Please if anyone noes how to moor a stupid bs please say it!