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  • Actually, since the killing of Admiral Schultzky the presence of Rheinland military in NY system is quite strong all over the system - for ... understandable reasons. And Zebby , your lucky, there are even Rheinland Gunboats and Wolverine 's flin' around
  • That you have to buy the game at least once was clear from the beginning, but that you have to buy ADDITIONALLY to get ... immersion and a good game ... and again and again for every bit of content... and pay to win ...
  • LOL ... making MORE MONEY but as I - mostly - still believe in the "good" of mankind (is CR human ? or a "hidden" Kilrathi ? )maybe his "vision" for the game has become sooo ... great, that he needs even more developers, designers, pizza deliveries ... whatsoever to move on in the game development