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  • you might want to check out the info bribes, i just purchased the location of the Texas Jumphole from a Rouge on Rodchester and after that it went into some specs, which i think were my ship....i clicked out too fast, but they were clearly ship specs.
  • random ship specs and info bribe ghost ship specs. random times when i was on the Prisoner Run in Rheinland random convoys display faction, callsign, which ship it is, and then the specs. when i buy an info bribe such as the Texas jumphole and lost Rheinland patrols i get a ship spec. It doesnt saw which ship but it gives a list of a ship that by the looks of the armor and guns is a VHF, most likely a Starlancer ship without a turret. EDIT:OP, once you get on MSN or such let me know, I'll send …
  • Navy ships during that time are fitted with human made, hybrid nomadic blasters. its not a bug.
  • singleplayer bug with battleship equipment i took the origonal $500 i had and went to the CF docks in X-3430 and was able to buy a turret with 500 credits. It doesnt show up but it will give you any equipment that you had sold but still takes you money. It also gives you a increase in level by 3. **used with the CF 1.52 openSP**
  • single player DVD bug went to Death Valley, fired at the wreck, tractored in the disk, and then i got teleported to Manhatten; no increase in money, no disk, and an increase in level by 4 **used with the CF 1.52 openSP**